Hario Starter Kit: Everything you need for a professional pour over cup of coffee at home or work—Just add coffee and water!
The perfect starter setup for yourself, or a gift.
Great for those new to pour over or manual coffee brewing Pour Control: The V60 features a single large hole, improving pour flow and providing users the ultimate freedom-- Pour water quickly for a light flavor or slower for a rich, deep taste.
Better accentuates coffees with floral or fruit flavor notes Kit Includes:
Design: Sleek, modern and minimalist coffee set to suit any kitchen design.
Heatproof glass server with BPA-free handle, lid and measuring spoon. Made in Japan Product Details: Size 02 makes 1-4 cups coffee; 700mL capacity.
120,00 lei
Hario Starter Kit: Everything you need for a professional pour over cup of coffee at home or work—Just add coffee and water!
The perfect starter setup for yourself, or a gift.
Great for those new to pour over or manual coffee brewing Pour Control: The V60 features a single large hole, improving pour flow and providing users the ultimate freedom-- Pour water quickly for a light flavor or slower for a rich, deep taste.
Better accentuates coffees with floral or fruit flavor notes Kit Includes:
Design: Sleek, modern and minimalist coffee set to suit any kitchen design.
Heatproof glass server with BPA-free handle, lid and measuring spoon. Made in Japan Product Details: Size 02 makes 1-4 cups coffee; 700mL capacity.
Oferim cafea de specialitate, boabe sau macinata, pentru Moka Pot, Espresso si Ibric. Arome unice din plantații de top, macinata la comanda pentru prospetime maxima.
Explorati colectia noastra de cold brew, savurati prospetimea si racoarea unei bauturi perfect echilibrate, ideala pentru zilele calduroase.
Transformati prepararea cafelei intr-o experienta deosebita cu echipamentele noastre: Filtre V60, MokaPot, Rasnita, etc.
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